This category teaches basic construction math, including fractions, decimals, ratios, and slopes, as well as calculating lengths, areas, volumes, and weights.
When working with earth and other materials, waste factors are important. In construction, mounds of dirt, or piles of other materials all have slopes and safety factors that need consideration. Learn how to calculate the ratios (or grade) of slopes, and how to stay safe when working around unstable materials.
Math is everywhere in construction. This introductory module explains how to write out U.S. standards of measurement, understand tolerances, and the essential tools for calculating measurements with accuracy.
As nice as whole numbers are, the reality is that fractions and decimals will be a part of every single day at a construction site. Learn parts of a fraction and how to convert them to decimals, the benefits of using a calculator, and how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.
This module covers linear length and perimeter. Understand how to read a tape measure and other measurement tools, like a surveyor's wheel. Learn to measure length and depth, and how to use those lengths to calculate perimeters of various shapes.
Measuring area is the first step to knowing how to properly measure, estimate, and order materials for job sites. Learn the equations to calculate areas of rectangles, triangles, and circles along with some tips for measuring more complex spaces.
Adding a third dimension to a shape's area will help you calculate volume. Learn the equation for determining the volume of various shapes, such as building materials and containers.
How heavy is your load? This is a very important safety question when it comes to hauling materials, lifting loads, and not exceeding weight limit capacities on machines. In this module, learn how to put a series of equations together to calculate weights of materials so you can stay safe in the field. Lose your load, lose your job.