One of the best parts of a job is getting paid, but where is all the money going? Learn how to read a pay stub to know how much you are bringing home and what is being withheld by your employer.
Before you buy that new truck or house, you’ll need a plan to manage your money. In this module, you’ll learn the wise saving and spending principles, including how to make a budget, that can make your financial dreams a reality.
Financial Literacy Part 3: Understanding Credit and Debt
Most people will need to borrow money at some point in their life. How you manage that debt can make the difference between staying on top of your financial goals or finding yourself in a pit that is hard to climb out of.
Financial Literacy Part 4: Investing In Your Future
What your retirement will look like is entirely up to you! Learn how to get started saving today for a great retirement with this video from the Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration.